
  1. Slates Filter Presets
    Displays a menu to create new presets and load or manage available presets.
  2. Filter button
    Dismiss the Slates Filter menu. This can also be done by tapping anywhere outside the Slates Filter menu.
  3. Off button
    Turn the current filter on or off. This button is only available when a filter is present.
  4. Rule options
    Select wether the results should only include slates that match all rules or include slates that matches any of the specified rules.
  5. Invert filter button
    Invert the filter results. This invert is applied after all other rules are checked.
  6. Quick Filter Options
    Filter quickly on starred slates and/or all slates that have a timestamp of the current day.
  7. Filter Rules Section
    Shows all rules that are part of the Slates filter. Every rule can have an attribute, matching type and value set.
  8. Add Rule button
    Create a new rule for the current Slates Filter.
  9. Current Filter Rules
    A list of all created rules and their values.
  10. Filter Results Bar
    Displays the number of slates that will remain after the current filter is applied to the Slates list.
  11. Filter Results Export button
    Use the Slates Filter results as mapping for export (to CSV or PDF)