The Input Area

Located to the right of the ticket, is the input area. This large part of Setellite’s UI is reserved for all actions that relate to adding and editing values and is designed in a way that, when holding the iPad with two hands, you can easily jump from one field to the next by pressing the big yellow ‘confirm & next’ button with your thumb (1). Other useful features are either part of the Input Calculator (2) or reside directly around it (3).
At the top a breadcrumb indicates at all times where in the hierarchy you are currently working. E.g. “Slate 14 > Take 2 > Camera B > Lens Focal Length” (4).
Directly underneath, a large main value display shows the value currently being added or edited (5).
1. The Input Calculator (IC)

Unique to Setellite’s UI is its input calculator which empowers fast assigning of information to fields. The big yellow ‘confirm & next’ button (1) on the right side of the IC enables you to confirm any entry and go to the next value in the ticket. Keeping one thumb above this button and selecting presets for every value with the other, cycling through the tickets becomes increasingly fast.
The large buttons of the IC adapt to the current input fields by displaying presets (2). The presets are based on common and recurring values. Depending on for instance the type of values involved and/or the user’s discretion, the calculator can take on three different forms (3), which are explained below.
1.1. Calculator forms

- Presets that are offered by Setellite and relate to the current field;
- Custom which shows a numeric keypad with big buttons or a specific interface for the current field (e.g. a date picker for a slate’s timestamp). Tapping on Custom again brings up the keyboard and let’s you enter custom data;
- Recent which logs previous entries for the current value and can easily be selected again.
Buttons may appear active or ghosted depending on the variables described above.
1.2. Intelligent input button
The lower left button in the grid of the IC may change depending on the active field as well. For instance, when the ISO Rating field is selected and you want to manually enter an ISO rating, the lower left button adapts to the word ‘ISO’ just as iOS keyboards may offer ‘.com’ in certain situations.

The ‘Clear Field’ button erases the whole field (1), while the ‘Revert’ button (2) equals an undo function and dismisses the last change.
The ‘Duplicate value’ button is unique to Take Cameras and facilitates quick copying of fields that don’t change between the start and stop of a take. If you’re on the ‘To’ value, the button draws the info from the ‘From’ field and vice versa. For more info, please refer to Duplicate Values.

On the website, assuming the user has access to a keyboard, no IC is offered. However, an upward and downward arrow on the far right of a field indicates that a dropdown menu is available with presets similar to what the Input Calculator in the app would provide.