Project Details
On the website, Project Details appear as a tab at the top of the screen.
1. General
Enter Project Name, Type and Start and End Date. The latter can cover the running time of the production, shooting period or the time you are involved in the project. The Project Image slot lets you select an image to represent your production. This can be an image already assigned to the project (‘Existing’), or an image from the photo roll (‘Roll’). A crop tool pops up afterwards to let you specify a portion of the image that will be used for the project header visible on the Project Dashboard.
Episodes or blocks
Setellite offers the option to divide your production into smaller parts. Depending on the chosen Project Type, these smaller parts appear as ‘episodes’ (TV series) or ‘blocks’ (other project types).
Defining multiple episodes will allow you to specify to which episode a slate belongs. The benefit of defining episodes within a single project is the usage of the same gear and presets throughout the production.
2. Members
Invite other Setellite users to collaborate on your projects as members. Invite them by entering their email address in the open slot indicating ‘Invite new member’ and press plus (+). Your invited user will receive a project invitation link in an email and a notification in the app which they can either accept or decline.
Other Setellite users you invite to join your projects must either have their own Setellite account or be part of your team account.
If the invited user is identified as an existing Setellite user, their user name will appear in the left column. The email address is followed by the status of the invitation (‘pending’ at first).
A rejected project invitation will also appear here (declined). Once your invitee accepts the invitation, he or she will have access to the project. Use the cross in the red box on the far right of a user’s slot to cancel their membership to the project. The cancelled user will be notified that their membership is discontinued.
Setellite synchronizes the data between members of the same project. Users on different locations connected to the internet will see each others data appear real time.
Please refer to Data & Connectivity to learn more about how Setellite handles your data when offline.
*References such as videos may take longer to synchronize, depending on length and file size. Synchronizing references like photos and videos over 3G/4G can consume a lot of data. Please verify your Synchronization settings to prevent Setellite synchronizing over your cellular network if desired.
2. Tech Specs
Enter and review project specific technical details such as output resolution and aspect ratio. This info will show up in the left pane of the Project Dashboard.
3. Credits
Fill out credit details for the project. Credits will show up in the left pane of the Project Dashboard and appear on the Slateboard.
3. Contacts
Add important contacts such as collaborators, colleagues or companies for quick lookup and exporting.
Press and hold the Contacts button to reveal an additional button ‘New contact’. Contact are not available for specific other functions elsewhere in the app.